"Jenny" 6 months Best of Breed over specials at
The Clemson Kennel Club Show for 2 pts handled by Tim Tedrow, friend and co-owner to Orion, Ky's Brilliant Star of Orion.
Judge James E.Noe
"Jenny" 13 months Winners at the Concord
Kennel Club
Show for 1 pt. Shown by Michelle Queen.
Col. Joe B. Purkhiser
14 months Winners, Best Bred By Exhibitor
and Best Opposite at the
Clemson Kennel Club show on 1/3/09 for 2 points!
Judge Richard Hilderman
"Jenny, 7 months BOW in Harriman TN for 1 pt.
Judge Karen Wilson
"Jenny" 13 months Best Winners
and Best of Breed in
Montgomery AL for 2 points!
Mr. Elliot B Weiss
months 1/24/09
1st Major Win (3pts.)
at the Charleston Kennel Club Show
going Best of Winners, Best Bred by Exhibitor
and Bred by Exhibitor Group 3!
Judge Karen Wilson
"Jenny" 12 months
Best of Winners at the
Augusta Kennel Club Show for 1 pt.
Judge Kathleen Steen
14 months Best Winners and
Best of Breed over Specials as well as
Best Bred by Exhibitor and a Bred by Exhibitor
Group 4 placement at the Savannah Kennel Club shows for 1 pt.
Judge Melvin Beech
15 months 1/25/09
2nd major win (3 pts) by going Best of Winners
at the Charleston Kennel Club Show.
Judge Alvin Krause.
Finishing her AKC Championship with
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